lunes, 14 de julio de 2008

Nuevo Emule 0.49b_BETA1


La mulita no se quiere quedarse atrás con las descargas directas, esta versión Beta trae un montón de arreglos de errores de la versión anterior, pero recuerden que es una Beta, no es la definitiva.

Algunas mejoras:

  • Major Kad protocol improvements, like kad obfuscation, better NAT handling, direct callbacks, flood protections, protection against routing attacks, etc.
  • Several changes to the message system to get rid of spammers (by Captchas) and stay in touch with friends with dynamic IPs
  • Several GUI improvements like storing searches between eMule sessions, a searchfilter for shared files, improved Vista support, etc
  • A reworked and improved UPnP implementation
  • And as always fixing bugs and adding other small changes


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